Location: Spencerville, Ohio

Monday, March 27, 2006


Feeling defeated, or thwarted, according to Webster. In Psalm 119, verse 143, we read these words:

"Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me; yet thy law is the truth." So the Psalmist also found that some of the path of life has some spots that make us feel defeated or thwarted.

Recently, I came to a spot in my path that put me into an anxious mood. It was difficult to see any way out. So for a couple days I pondered the problem. Those days were blighted by the shadow of defeat.

My daughter in Michigan was wanting me to come to her house for a few days. She lives in Michigan, about 9 hours from here. Of course I wanted to go, but I would not want to drive that distance alone. I had church activities I needed to attend to, I have a house to care for. I have a little puppy that needs my attention. I needed to go to Medi-lab for blood work. Then I would have a Dr's. appointment later on. Everything was piling up on me and I couldn't see my way out.

A time of frustration was taking hold upon me. What do we do in that desperate time?

Look at the rest of the verse we quoted at the beginning of this incident. It tells us, "yet thy law is the truth". What law is this? It is the Word of God.....after the anxiety, pondering; and not knowing what to do, we turn to the Word and our frustrating world changes. We look to another verse which gives us the "TRUTH". Look at Psalm 55: 22 and find there, "Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee; he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.", and "Casting all your care upon Him, for he careth for you.!"

So that care was demonstrated to me, when my daughter called and said that it would not work out to come at this time. Does God care for us? Oh, yes, my friend. At that moment when I was so frustrated, He took over and caused plans to change, and my worries, were taken away.

Do you know Him well enough to discover that He cares for you too? I pray you do.

"Does Jesus care, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief!"


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